
Intel, Dell “smart city” to support older people in Thailand

 16-Aug-16, Telehealth & Telecare Aware

In Thailand the Saensuk Smart City has been developed with prestigious partners Dell and Intel Microelectronic (Thailand).

Intel Dell smart city to support older people in Thailand (c) Dell

Image: Dell

Saensuk is a Thai municipality with 46,000 registered local residents, 15% of whom are 65+. The Smart City is a three-year public-private partnership with the first aim of supporting older people in their homes through IoT-powered applications including health monitoring (RPM) of vital signs, fall detection, emergency notifications, environmental monitoring and safety tracking.

The targeted number for the pilot is between 30 and 150 homes in the initial phase. Residents, for instance, are given a smartwatch that alerts for falls and also conveys information at entry into the program. Intel-based systems from Dell aggregate and analyze the large amounts of health data generated daily.

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