
India's next wave in digital healthcare

 05-Oct-15, CXO Today

Healthcare professionals worldwide have witnessed first-hand technology migration from radiology film and laser film printers to diagnostic DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) digital devices and Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS).

Indias next wave in digital healthcare 2 (c) Recruise India

Image: Recruise India

This transition has had an extensive impact on patient care, efficiencies and diagnoses. Healthcare organisations and professionals are facing a steep learning curve and the need to build network and IT infrastructure, along with external communication capabilities, ensuring interoperability and facilitating the efficient exchange of images for viewing and interpretation.

As India’s healthcare system continues its migration towards electronic health communication and interoperability, the objective is to encourage physician-wide adoption of electronic healthcare processes. This will help facilitate immediate access to information and reduce the instances of lost information. Examples of technology-enabled process improvements include:

  • Use of unilateral electronic health records (EHR), physician entries and information exchange between doctors, practices, facilities and patients
  • Closed loop e-prescriptions to improve patient medication adherence
  • Proactive patient engagement for wellness management and better patient outcomes

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