
 11-May-18, Pharmabiz.com

Medical devices such as disposables, implants, hospital equipment and diagnostic reagents in India should now have a minimum local content of 25-50 per cent to qualify for public procurement as the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has finalised new norms, amid expressions of discontent by domestic and multinational industry lobby groups.

Indian medical device public procurement norms come into force (c) News4Pharma

Image: News4Pharma

The minimum local content specified varies according to the type of the device. In order to be eligible for public procurement, medical disposables and consumables require a minimum indigenous content of 50 per cent. For implants, the cutoff is 40 per cent. In the case of medical electronics, hospital equipment, surgical instruments and diagnostic reagents/in-vitro diagnostics, domestically manufactured components should contribute minimum 25 per cent. 

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