
In India, technology no longer seen as an expense in healthcare

 24-Aug-17, Business World

Healthcare has transformed since the last 5 to 10 years. The scale of deaths due to medical errors has reduced substantially thanks to the emergence of technology in healthcare.

In India technology no longer seen as an expense in healthcare (c) Business World

Image: Business World

Dr Garima Singh, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Max Healthcare said, "Highest quality at lowest cost is expected today... Choosing the right technology helps to save time, cost and also build trust among the three components of healthcare; patient, doctor and healthcare system by sharing information."

Dr Sanjeev Bagai, Vice Chairman and Director, Manipal Hospital said, "The patient needs to be tracked from his first step in the hospital... AI generated Watson technique has made it possible to virtually navigate through the body parts like a test drive. Technology is no longer an expense but an investment.".

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