
IT is having a major impact on Indian pharma industry

23-Mar-15, Express Pharma

The pharma industry is experiencing a paradigm shift with IT advancement. Multiple range of systems are available to support the work flow and they should ensure to harness the technology for industry’s growth. New technology will play an important role in the pharma industry with respect to utilising data analytics to identify best targeted and cost-effective therapy or using social media to get connected with the customers.

IT is having a major impact on Indian pharma industry (c) Cambridge Consultants

Image: Cambridge Consultants

In India, healthcare has been heavily urban based. The rural area has been under privileged and the pharma industry has not been too aggressive in penetrating into this area. However, today, the focus of the industry is changing, realising the potential of rural India pharma market. It has been realised that with the IT, rural sector can be served much better giving a boost to countries economic growth. India will not reap its full success in information technology and pharma industry unless it creates opportunities for local community and rural area. Players who adopt and innovate will be successful in the long term.

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