
How a midwife from Zimbabwe is improving global healthcare

 01-Jun-16, GE Healthcare

When Clara Methie isn’t at the bedside delivering babies, she’s lobbying administrators to provide basic resources. Where she works in Zimbabwe, sterile gloves which are abundant in hospitals in developed nations are scarce or even unavailable to her and the students in the labor and delivery ward where she teaches. 

How a midwife from Zimbabwe is improving global healthcare (c) GE Healthcare

Image: GE Healthcare

Unduly exposing women to infection during labor and delivery contributes to the approximately 830 women who die from preventable causes during pregnancy or childbirth every day. To improve maternal death rates on the global level, Clara says you have to empower the burgeoning young group of midwives to find their voices and push for change on the institutional and national level.

To help make it happen, GE Healthcare, UNFPA, and the United Nations Population Fund will launch an online midwifery training and networking platform to connect more than 700 midwives from 30 countries worldwide. Clara is part of this initiative intended to be a mentoring destination – a place where young up-and-coming midwives get exposure to leaders who share information on the latest healthcare solutions and prepare them to play a greater role in policy dialogues and advocate on behalf of midwives and the women and children they serve within their countries.

 Read the full article 

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