
 30-Mar-18, Business Korea

The five largest hospitals in South Korea – Samsung Seoul, Seoul National University, Seoul Asan, Seoul St. Mary's, and Severance – are lukewarm about IBM’s medical AI solutions such as Watson for Oncology and Watson for Genomics.

Hospitals in Korea not very interested in IBMs Watson (c) Business Korea

Image: Business Korea

Instead, they are using their own solutions or working with each other. For example, Samsung Seoul Hospital signed a MoU with Microsoft Korea in Oct-17 to set up a new precision medicine system. The hospital leads deep learning system development while Microsoft Korea provides AI algorithms and cloud infrastructure.

"The data Watson has collected in the United States do not perfectly match with South Korean patients' needs and conditions and its misdiagnosis rate is pretty high with the exception of basic cancer diagnosis," said an expert, adding, "There is a tacit consensus that Watson is very expensive yet not that effective."

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