
Health monitoring technology seen as most important future innovation

08-Dec-14, The Pulse, GE Healthcare

Healthcare has come an incredibly long way in the last century. But as medicine progresses, healthcare faces other challenges – shrinking budgets, ageing populations and the rise of chronic disease. 

A survey commissioned by GE Healthcare, asked 10,000 participants from countries across the world what areas of healthcare concern them the most, and which innovations they think will guide medical care along the right path. Countries surveyed included the UK, the USA, Brazil, Australia, India and China.

The differences in each country’s healthcare infrastructure reflect the differences in their social, economic and political circumstances. However, responses across the board were unanimous in some respects. 

  • 87% of all respondents believe that using technology to monitor health on-the-go will be the most important medical innovation, with particular regards to Cloud computing and telehealth.
  • 89% of all respondents thought it would be helpful to know if they were at risk before actually falling ill.
  • Brazil showed the strongest desire for shorter waiting times, at 81%.
  • When it comes to better quality of service, respondents from India show the highest overall concern.

 Read the full article 

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