
Four trends in healthcare in Southeast Asia for 2016

 21-Jan-16, Computerworld Singapore

Tempus fugit; in a trance, we have been transported to 2016. Looking back, 2015 has been a good year for healthcare. We at Practo are observing several trends that have been building up momentum for this year.

Four trends in healthcare in Southeast Asia for 2016 (c) Yahoo News

Image: Yahoo News

In this report of predictions, we hope to provide inspiration for rich and deep conversations about healthcare, and prompt creation of new ideas amongst our peers. The healthcare landscape in 2016 will be both challenging and exciting; companies will take small and steady steps to continue innovating the industry and meeting demands from everyone involved in this process.

At the cusp of a new year, let us review the achievements in 2015, and reflect on what we could do for 2016.

1. Smart Health - a big contributor to Smart Nation in Singapore
2. Movement to a more holistic lifestyle
3. Growing trust in digital health
4. Cross-vertical collaborations on the rise

 Read the full article 

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