
Four predictions for Singapore's healthcare in 2017

 22-Dec-16, Singapore Business Review 

Since gaining its independence a little over half a century ago, Singapore has made giant strides forward and stands out not only within the Southeast Asia region but also the world. In particular, healthcare in the country has been exemplary, with Singapore recently sharing the top spot with Iceland and Sweden in a ranking by the United Nations of the healthiest places to live in the world.

Four predictions for Singapores healthcare in 2017 (c) Singapore Business Review

Image: Singapore Business Review

With such promising developments in the works, the next step for Singapore is to increase coverage of digital healthcare by making it more accessible and available to a wider pool of citizens.

We can expect to see developments in 2017:

  1. Singapore turns to smart healthcare to tackle its aging population issue
  2. Doctors get support from automation
  3. The app economy comes to healthcare
  4. Singaporeans want easier and better access to healthcare

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