
“Fast and furious growth” – private healthcare operators

 29-Jun-16, LinkedIn Pulse

Big for-profit healthcare operators expect to grow sales at over 10% annually for the next five years in Developed and Emerging Markets, but what do they see as their main challenges? A fascinating picture is revealed in a new survey of 81 mainly CEOs and CXOs in 37 countries of predominately large hospital chains, diagnostic lab and imaging players, commissioned by Siemens.

Fast and furious growth private healthcare operators (c) Healthcare Business International

Image: Healthcare Business International

The first surprise is forecast growth rates. In developing markets from Chile to China (and including Central and Eastern Europe) players expect to grow revenue by 14% annually and predict market growth of 11%. In Developed Markets (in this case Western Europe plus South Africa) operators expect growth of 11%, against predicted market growth of 6.7%.

Emerging markets are particularly affected by the challenge of retaining staff. Dr Richardson Ajayi, CEO, Bridge Clinic, Nigeria said: “The main problem with Nigeria is staff. It is difficult to get people with the right skills... But many have gone to the UK."

The picture is of often huge untapped and unmet demand. Perhaps private healthcare, particularly in Emerging Markets.

New apps which connect patients to their records will also have a big impact in emerging markets. 

 Read the full article 

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