
Dubai sees return on investments in medical tourism

 14-May-17, Hotelier Middle East 

Since the launch of its medical tourism vision in 2014, when plans were announced to attract half a million medical tourists by 2020, statistics from Dubai Health Authority (DHA) revealed that in 2015, there were 630,831 medical tourists, of which international tourists accounted for 46% of the total traffic.

Dubai sees return on investments in medical tourism (c) Hotelier Middle East

Image: Hotelier Middle East

According to Medical Tourism Wellness Council's Linda Abdulla, medical tourism is playing a significant role in boosting Dubai’s economy by attracting visitors from all across the globe. “This could potentially boost the economy by AED2.6 bn (USD710 mn) a year by 2020 with an increase in the annual revenue by 13% every year in the next four years,” she said.

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