
DOH Secretary: Philippines lacks 15,000 doctors

 13-Oct-16, CNN Philippines

The Philippines is short of 15,000 doctors to be able to adequately meet the health needs of Filipinos each year, the Health Secretary said.

DOH Secretary Philippines lacks 15000 doctors (c) CNN Philippines

Image: CNN Philippines

"We're producing only 2,600 a year," Department of Health Secretary Paulyn Rosell-Ubial said.

The Philippines has a ratio of one doctor for every 33,000 persons. The Health Secretary said there's a lack of volunteers willing to go to rural areas. The Doctors to the Barrios program, which sends doctors to far-flung areas, can accommodate 398 doctors. However, 116 posts remain vacant.

"One other thing that we're trying to do is the PhilHealth reimbursement; if you work in a rural area, your reimbursement is higher," said Ubial.

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