
 12-Feb-19, DHL 

DHL's latest Global Connectedness Index (GCI) has found that in spite of growing anti-globalization tensions in many countries, connectedness reached an all-time high in 2017, as the flows of trade, capital, information and people across national borders all intensified significantly for the first time since 2007.DHL Connectedness Index Globalization hits new record high (c) DHL

Image: DHL

Strong economic growth boosted international flows while key policy changes such as US tariff increases had not yet been implemented.

The world’s top five most globally connected countries were the Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, Belgium and the United Arab Emirates. The five countries where international flows exceed expectations the most are Cambodia, Malaysia, Mozambique, Singapore and Vietnam. The Southeast Asian countries benefit from linkages with wider Asian supply chain networks as well as ASEAN policy initiatives promoting economic integration. 

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