
Cosmetic surgery market enjoys growth worldwide

 26-Jan-17, The Malay Mail Online

After growing 8.2 per cent in 2015, the medical and surgical aesthetics market grew a further 8.3 per cent in 2016. Representing almost half of global market share (46 per cent), the USA still leads the way on such procedures, followed by Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America, according to annual figures from IMCAS (International Master Course on Ageing Science).

Cosmetic surgery market enjoys growth worldwide (c) The Malay Mail Online

Image: The Malay Mail Online

Specialists estimate continued and stable growth in cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide, with 8.9 per cent growth by 2020. The market could be worth USD9.2 bn in 2020. Global growth is above all driven by Asia, which saw annual growth of 10 per cent in 2016.

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