
 24-Aug-18, HKTDC

Cambodia's Ministry of Public Works & Transport announced work had been completed on 2,000 kilometres of new roads, seven major bridges and a container terminal servicing the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port. All these initiatives were backed by China, with funding from the Belt & Road Initiative.

Chinas investment in Cambodian infrastructure totals USD2 bn (c) Shutterstock HKTDC

Image: Shutterstock / HKTDC

The announcement was triggered by the opening of National Road No 6, connecting the capital Phnom Penh with Angkor Wat, the country's principal tourist attraction.

Shanghai Construction Group – the company responsible for much of Shanghai's mid-1990's architectural makeover – acted as the lead contractor. The cost of the project is estimated at about USD255 mn, with 95% covered by a Chinese loan.

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