
China’s healthcare economy should continue to prosper in 2015

14-Jan-15, Forbes

For companies and investors working in China’s healthcare economy, it would be a mild understatement to say that 2014 was a year where the signal to noise ratio was pretty high. Lots of interesting new policies, but certainly also many ongoing disconnects between the best intentions by the central government, and what infrastructure and reimbursement mechanisms will actually benefit Chinese families and further incentivize industry.

Chinas healthcare economy should continue to prosper in 2015 (c) Forbes

Image: Forbes

Overall, with the exception of the jaw dropping fine the Chinese government levied on GSK, the government created lots of space for the private sector. This meant the market for medical devices, pharmaceuticals and new healthcare services across China remained strong. Companies benefited from being in China, and they will likely also benefit in 2015.

Several issues present themselves in 2015, the need for further incremental but fundamental policy changes, CFDA funding increases, investment in doctors' pay, expanding telemedicine, and the development of online drug sales. The focus of government anti-corruption will also be important. 

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