
China's first 'cloud hospital' founded in Ningbo

13-Mar-15, Neusoft

Recently, Ningbo Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission and Neusoft Xikang Healthcare Technology Co., Ltd. ("Neusoft Xikang") jointly announced that China's first cloud hospital "Ningbo Cloud Hospital", which is based on cutting-edge information technologies of cloud computing, big data, Internet and Internet of Things, and plays an important role as Ningbo's intelligent healthcare system, was officially founded and put into operation.

Chinas first cloud hospital founded in Ningbo (c) Business Cloud

Image: Business-Cloud

Ningbo Cloud Hospital is a platform that was built and operated through collecting, analyzing, and using the healthcare big data to strengthen the industrial supervision, and precisely control the constantly increased healthcare expenses, as well as seeking the effective approaches to solve the problem of expensive and difficulties for individuals to see a doctor.

Ningbo Cloud Hospital will purchase public services from the government and attract more social capital to the healthcare industry, in order to promote the rapid development of Ningbo's healthcare service industry.

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