
China sees tech cure for healthcare woes

14-Oct-14, Reuters

Liu Chunming almost died after a car crash in July in Taihe, a remote county in China's southeast Jiangxi province, but survived serious abdominal injuries thanks to specialist doctors who led his treatment from 1,000 kms (621 miles) away.

From a central "operations room" in the eastern city of Hangzhou, doctors diagnosed and directed treatment for the 48-year-old using live video feeds and software that shares patient scans and files to aid consultation.

Liu's case - one of a growing number of distance healthcare cases in China - reflects the rise in digital healthcare, or eHealth, to bridge the chasm between China's developed health services in large cities and its grassroots rural care.

And that's a multi-billion dollar opportunity for technology firms.

"I'm not sure what would have happened without the distance diagnosis technology," Liu said in a phone interview from his village of Xiakeng in Taihe. He has since recovered.

To be sure, technology - from electronic patient records to remote healthcare - is already widely used in developed markets such as the United States and Europe, but the sheer size and scale of China make this a huge opportunity for tech firms and a big challenge for doctors, who say China lags far behind.

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