
Can wearables be the future for diabetes in Singapore?

 18-Nov-16, Biotechin.Asia 

In 2014, diabetes took 4.9 million lives worldwide. Globally, 350 million people suffer from diabetes and this is likely to double in the next 20 years. Of this, Type 2 diabetes makes up 90% of diabetes patients. In Singapore, IDF reports suggest that diabetes prevalence for those aged between 18 and 69 is at 11.3% – Singapore has the second highest proportion of diabetics among developed nations.

Can wearables be the future for diabetes in Singapore (c) Pixabay

Image: Pixabay

Part of the solution is to create a digital infrastructure that helps provide better patient outcomes and, in turn, supports the overall healthcare system.

SAP and Roche are working together to combat diabetes through the use of technology and connected care. By combining a blood glucose monitor, a wearable fitness tracker, and an app, doctors can provide personalised and preventative treatment for Type-2 diabetes. The technology helps transform patient care, keeps the disease in check, and also brings about savings in time and money for both patient and healthcare institutions.

Such connected care can also be replicated for other diseases.

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