
Cambodian women and children benefiting from health-tech

 09-Aug-17, reliefweb

Through the five-year NOURISH project, funded through USAID and the U.S. Feed the Future initiative, USAID/Cambodia is working with the Royal Government of Cambodia to accelerate progress in improving nutrition among women and children. Using an integrated crosssectoral approach, NOURISH brings together health/nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, and agriculture interventions in 565 rural villages, reaching nearly 26,000 women and children in three Cambodian provinces.

Cambodian women and children benefiting from health tech (c) USAID reliefweb

Image: USAID / reliefweb

Through NOURISH, USAID aims to create demand for the improved use of services, practices, and products. The project has set up a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) initiative for poor, food-insecure households with a pregnant woman or child under two, known as “first 1,000 days” families, to incentivize the timely use of health and nutrition services.

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