
CARE Hospital of India gets invite from Ethiopia

 13-Jun-17, The Hindu 

A delegation of Ethiopian government held talks with CARE chain of hospitals to request them to start operations in Ethiopia. In principle, the hospital has agreed to train Ethiopian doctors in tertiary care including surgeries.

CARE Hospital of India gets invite from Ethiopia (c) Ethiogrio

While CARE management is also considering the option of setting up its off-shore hospital in the African country, the plan will take a few years to materialise due to costs involved. CARE hospitals which has been treating African nationals who come to Hyderabad will be a good place for training Ethiopian doctors, said Prof Arun Tiwari, who is associated in an advisory role with CARE Hospitals.

According to estimates of Ethiopian Ministry of Health, the country had spent over USD30 mn towards medical treatment abroad in 2012 alone. The Country has 130 public and 70 private hospitals. If the plan succeeds, CARE foundation and hospitals will be one of the pioneers from India to start a health facility in the African continent.

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