
Bridging the eHealth gap in Australia

 21-Jul-16, Pulse IT

The rise of health-related technology solutions is perceived by healthcare professionals as a revolution that will ultimately drive improvement in patient care and increase practice efficiency. This efficiency improvement allows providers to take on more patients and increase profits, but there are barriers to the adoption of telehealth, telemedicine and mHealth that will take some time to overcome.

Bridging the eHealth gap in Australia (c) Pulse IT

Image: Pulse IT

Perhaps the most visible technology “challenge” in healthcare was the attempted introduction of personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR), now rebranded as My Health Record, in 2012. Despite costing over AUD1 bn, sign up rates by Australians were low, with many healthcare providers unsure how to implement the system in their practices.

With the correct security policies in place, changing from paper-based data to a digital format is not only advised, it is essential.

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