
Bolivia to invest USD1.7 bn in hospital sector

 30-Dec-15, Esmerk

Bolivian President Evo Morales has announced that the government will invest USD 1.70bn (EUR 1.55bn) in the hospital sector as part of the 2016-2020 Social and Economic Development Plan.

Bolivia to invest USD1 7 bn in hospital sector (c) Plan Canada

Image: Plan Canada

A total of four level 4 hospitals are planned for construction requiring a USD 580.4mn investment. The hospitals will be located in Cochabamba, Tarija, La Paz, and Santa Cruz, and specialise in oncology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and neurology respectively.

Projects will be carried out in 180 level one, 31 level two and 12 level three hospitals and healthcare centres. During the presentation, Morales confirmed the development of a universal healthcare system. 

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