
Australian mobile app uses sound to diagnose respiratory conditions

 22-Jul-15, Medical Press

The cough is the single most common reason for a trip to the doctor, placing enormous strain on Australia's healthcare system, but a new mobile health tool being developed by The University of Queensland could ease pressure on doctors and lower consumers' health bills.

Australian mobile app uses sound to diagnose respiratory conditions (c) Medical Press

Image: Medical Press

UQ's Associate Professor Udantha Abeyratne said the mobile application was based on an automated algorithm that could use sound alone to diagnose respiratory conditions such as pneumonia and asthma, without the need for additional hardware.

"The technology is based on the premise that cough and breathing sounds carry vital information on the state of the respiratory tract," Dr Abeyrante said.

Recently commercialised by spin-off company ResApp, the new diagnostic tool will allow doctors to diagnose and monitor respiratory diseases via a smartphone application. ResApp has already secured more than $4 million to develop the technology and launch it into the marketplace.

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