
 13-Jul-18, Apple Newsroom 

Apple announced a first-of-its-kind investment fund in China to connect suppliers with renewable energy sources. 10 initial suppliers and Apple will jointly invest nearly USD300 mn over four years into the China Clean Energy Fund, which will invest in clean energy projects totaling more than 1GW, equivalent to powering nearly 1 mn homes.

Apple launches USD300 mn clean energy fund in China (c) Apple Newsroom

Image: Apple Newsroom

"We're thrilled so many of our suppliers are participating in the fund and hope this model can be replicated globally to help businesses of all sizes make a significant positive impact on our planet," said Lisa Jackson, Apple's VP of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives.

By virtue of its size and scale, the China Clean Energy Fund will give its participants the advantage of greater purchasing power and the ability to attain more attractive and diverse clean energy solutions.

 Read the full article 

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