
A*Star-NUS centre for research imaging opens

 11-Nov-15, SChannel News Asia

The first national platform for research imaging in diseases such as dengue and tuberculosis opened on 11-Nov-15.

AStar NUS centre for research imaging opens (c) Clinical Imaging Research Centre

Image: Clinical Imaging Research Centre

The Clinical Imaging Resesarch Centre (CIRC), located at the basement of the Centre for Translation Medicine building at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, is a joint venture between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) and NUS. It is part of the Government's efforts to boost investment in health and biomedical sciences.

The centre will be the first in Southeast Asia to use latest technologies like the MR/PET (magnetic resonance imaging-compatible positron emission tomography) scanner, which combines two powerful imaging techniques to conduct a more precise examination compared with other techniques such as a CT scan.

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