
 01-Jun-18, Hospital Healthcare

Baheal Pharmaceutical Group, an investment and healthcare operations company in China, has launched a digital initiative to modernise and personalise a range of healthcare practices in the world's most populous country.

In China a plan to personalise healthcare for 1 3 billion (c) Hospital Healthcare

Image: Hospital Healthcare

Baheal, based in Qingdao, is helping address one of the Chinese government’s biggest challenges: improving the wellness of the country’s 1.3 billion people, whose life expectancy, at 76.1 years, was only 53rd globally.

Baheal is developing cloud services for pharmacies, as well as digital systems for doctors, hospitals and others in China's huge healthcare supply chain. It has begun selling digital marketing solutions to retail pharmacies, to help them reach customers in new ways, and enterprise resource planning capabilities for improved control over supplies and other business operations.

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