
Client: Japanese vehicle manufacturer targeting tighter pricing and margins

 Value chain optimisation | Industrial & Logistics | Global | Asia-Pacific | Western Europe | Japan

Client benefit 

The evolution of pick-up truck appeal to both commercial and consumer markets meant our Japanese client needed to get its pricing and margin right. Our analysis along the value chain, from factory in Japan to Western European end-users, identified how customer prices were built up – and identified potential margin tightening opportunities.

Case value chain pick up truck global

What we did

For a top-5 Japanese light commercial vehicle manufacturer and exporter:

  • Mapped the downstream value chain from factory right through to dealers in Western Europe
  • Gathered intelligence from multiple sources, including interviews with importers and distributors
  • Assessed how margin is added along the global route, contributing to end-user pricing
  • Recommended areas to consider squeezing margins in order to remain price-competitive

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