
Client: Top alternative payments provider serving emerging markets

 Market profiles | Customer insight | Financial & business services | Latin America | Europe | Asia-Pacific | North America

Client benefit 

Alternative payment processing for e-commerce is a fast-moving business, and our client wanted to maintain its market-leading position with international merchants selling into Latin America. GGM kept them focused by sizing the addressable market, mapping payment competitor market shares, and providing a validated hit-list of >100 sales prospects selling nine-figure volumes or more.

Case 0387 fbs keeping an alternative payments provider ahead of the competition in latam

What we did

For the leading alternative payments processor in emerging markets:

  • Researched company level information on merchants' sales to Latam, and their future plans
  • Identified merchants selling high international e-commerce volumes across clothing, travel, household goods and more
  • Interviewed over 100 merchants in the US, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe to assess payment practices
  • Overlaid Latam share of e-commerce business onto the data set 
  • Analysed the collected insights to create accurate TAM and market share data, and a list of validated prospects for our client

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