
Client: Alternative payment solutions player seeking a strategic investor

 Commercial due diligence | Financial & business services | Africa & Middle East, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North America

Client benefit 

As our client and its investment bank partner courted investors, we supported them with commercial due diligence in all major global growth regions. Our client used our market data, forecasts and analysis to highlight the opportunity for its alternative payment solutions, both in existing market regions and those it sought to enter.

Case 0178DEB ecommerce payment solution commercial due diligence asia africa europe middle east

What we did

For an American alternative e-commerce payment company serving online B2C and B2B markets:

  • Carried out in-region and in-country research in five regions and five key countries
  • Determined market size and forecast growth for B2C e-commerce and selected B2B segments
  • Evaluated each market's payment methods breakdown
  • Analysed characteristics and trends shaping the payment profile in each geography
  • Identified areas of demand holding potential for our client to tap into in future

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