
Client: Orthopaedic implants market leader

 Customer insight | Healthcare, Medtech & Pharma | Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam

Client benefit 

Under threat in Southeast Asia from low-cost pretender brands out of China, our market-leading client had to stay ahead of the competition through superior buyer understanding. It used unique insights from our orthopaedic surgeon survey across four countries to do exactly that.

Case 0049 orthopaedic implants customer insight southeast asia

What we did

For an orthopaedic implants vendor under competitive threat in Southeast Asia:

  • Carefully sampled high volume orthopaedic surgeons in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam
  • Conducted in-person interviews with joint replacement and trauma surgeons across public and private sectors
  • Developed an in-depth understanding of usage, preferences, value perceptions and educational needs
  • Recommended product development direction, loyalty maintenance priorities and competitive positioning opportunities 

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