
The doctor will not see you now - Singapore pioneering telemedicine

 17-Jun-15, CNN 

Stroke patients in Singapore are using iPads for remote rehabilitation - removing the need to visit their clinic.

The doctor will not see you now   Singapore pioneering telemedicine plus A196 (c) CNN

Image: CNN

The new treatment is part of a tele-rehabilitation programme currently being trialled by the National University of Singapore (NUS) to get patients back on their feet sooner.

It uses tablets to guide patients through exercises on videos, whilst motion sensors capture data about their progress.

"With telerehab, patients do not need to face physical barriers, their caregivers do not need to accompany them to the rehabilitation center and their therapists do not need to visit them at home to provide rehabilitation," said Associate Professor Gerald Koh from the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

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