
Global Growth Markets provides accurate data, reliable insights and strategic advisory services for international healthcare, medical technology and pharmaceutical companies. We help clients succeed in markets including healthcare service providers, clinical trials, APIs, generic drugs, pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing, medical equipment, medical devices, digital health, healthcare IT and more.

Commission custom research and consulting, international market intelligence or industry newsletter services, all powered by our in-country research consultants around the world.


 Thanks to you and your team in China for a very thorough and detailed piece of work, which has really helped us to understand the opportunities in the market and where we go from here.

Moorfields Private Eye Hospital | Managing Director  

Some of the clients our directors have advised:

GSK logo 120x80 Merck Serono logo 120x80 Moorfields Private logo 120x80
PerkinElmer logo 120x80 Elsevier logo 120x80 Zimmer Biomet achieving synergies and rapid sales in Asia Pacific (c) Zimmer Biomet


Services for Healthcare, Medtech & Pharma clients:

 Strategic Advisory

 International Research

 Investor Intelligence


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Healthcare, Medtech & Pharma cases:

Covid-19 driving a digital health care revolution



22-May-20 From digital immunity passports to cyber-physical health care systems, the future of health care is now and the world is being warned to adjust to a fourth industrial revolution. This includes smart technology such as artificial intelligence, facial ID recognition, 3D printing, genome editing and digital health-care sensors.[image: Cleveland Clinic]

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