
China’s private hospital sector believes in Digital Health

Pete Read photo 

 1-Dec-15, by Pete Read, Global Growth Markets 

In a recent Global Growth Markets survey on Digital Health among hospital doctors and managers in Asia, we found a very high level of support for digital health in China - 48% on average across different aspects of digital health, compared with only 23% for Asia as a whole.

Survey findings

In China, private hospitals (of which there are >10,000) are big supporters of digital health, especially Health IT and interoperability, electronic medical records, diagnostic imaging and mobile health.

And the public sector (>15,000 hospitals) believes strongly in telemedicine as the technology most likely to benefit patients.

Which aspects of digital health do you think are most likely to improve patient outcomes in China in the next 3-5 years?

% respondents
GGM Digital Health China hospitals survey 1511

Source: Global Growth Markets

Mobile payment

Payment is one very important area where technology could be transformational. Cash payment is the norm in thousands of hospitals currently. Alibaba’s Alipay system has over 300 million users and is being tested and rolled out in several hospitals around China.

Apart from payment, there are also plans for the system to link into appointment booking, medical records and test results, all of which should improve the patient experience and hospital efficiency.

Data in the cloud

China’s first cloud hospital was announced by Neusoft earlier in 2015. This allows people in the east coast city of Ningbo to have a personal health record with all their data stored in the cloud and accessible from multiple devices by themselves, their doctors, carers and insurers.

Technology solutions to healthcare problems

Ultimately healthcare is about people and patients. China is becoming older, with 166 million more people aged over 40 by 2024 - a 47% increase. Lifestyles are changing, more and more people have NCDs like diabetes and hypertension, and the healthcare system is under heavy pressure.

Technology is one possible solution to some of the huge challenges facing healthcare in China.


GGM's CEO Pete Read spoke about healthcare technology and other aspects of China's private healthcare sector at the Asia Medical Tourism Congress in Guilin on 15-Nov-15. For a copy of his presentation, please email us

GGM can help with international hospital investment planning, site location and M&A/partnering, in China and other emerging markets. Contact us to find out more.


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