
Indian startup aims to make e-health records available to patients


29-Jul-15 A health tech start-up in India aims to provide affordable, patient-centric, centralised digital medical records. In 2014 there were 8,500 reported deaths in India due to adverse drug reactions, almost all of which could have been prevented if complete information about the patient’s medical history had been available. And that is what start-up KiviHealth aims to achieve.

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New Delhi to get e-hospital portal


05-Aug-15 With an aim of improving patient care and operational efficiency at its health centres, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has approached the National Informatics Centre (NIC) for configuration of e-hospital portal in its Health Care Units. The e-hospital software will be loaded on cloud services, for the first time in India. [image: NIC]

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TCM provider Heshoutang launches online access


03-Aug-15 Heshoutang, a Chinese provider of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) remedies, has announced a virtual hospital offering 24/7 online access to diagnosis and doctors who see patients that don't require emergency care, through its website TCMTreat.com, including sending herbal remedies worldwide. [image: IT Business Net]

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Hong Kong hospitals must fast-track e-prescription


25-Jun-15 Medication errors cause most "serious untoward events" in Hong Kong's public hospitals, the most frequent being wrong dosage. Such problems caused by doctors' heavy workload and an outdated dispensary system are being addressed by an e-prescription system which is to be installed in 17 hospitals by Dec-18, with up to 30% reduction in medication errors. [image: South Morning China Post_Jonathan Wong]

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Sarawak's rural e-Health system to be expanded to Peninsular Malaysia


14-Jun-15 A rural e-Health programme developed in Sarawak will be implemented in Peninsular Malaysia soon. The ‘Rural ICT-Guided Home-Based Technopreneur Community Healthcare Advancement Nurturing For Growth Ecosystem’ (RiGHT CHANGE) aims to provide rural people with easier access to e-Health services, allowing them to have online health checks instead of having to visit a city. [image: Wikicommons]

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